Event Calendar Plugin Test (PHP 7.4.30)

  • 10:00 -19:00

    The online Capacity Building on Regenerative Design by ACCIONA, organised by the IURC Central Coordination Services in coordination with the Geographical Areas in two sessions (morning for Asia & Australasia and China; afternoon for Latin America and North America) aimed to support our worldwide pairings and clusters to path the way of their ongoing projects during the last year of the programme. The training was conducted on March 7th 2023 and welcomed more than 75 participants from all around the globe.


    During the first part of the session, Sustainable and Urban experts shared some valuable insights for regenerative design, establishing linkages with the European Commission’s new framework and initiatives as the “New European Bauhaus” (to make tangible the Green Deal). Afterwards, some of the IURC’s parings shared their joint projects with a focus on their financial challenges (NCI-Bologna / Yangzhou; Rotterdam / Surat; Sofia / Sejong; Essen / Fortaleza; Aurora / Bergamo / Rimini; and Silesia / Parana) and received some tips for project financing from an operational perspective.


    A final interactive session, through ACCIONA’s RESILIENCE tool, showed how the decision-making process can be accelerated considering common challenges and lessons learned from previous experiences, establishing interesting links between the most common issues as multilevel governance, the importance of the context, innovative technologies or public-private models.


    Download the training material here


    Watch the recordings here


    Download the supporting material here


    ACCIONA is an international reference as a designer of regenerative infrastructures shifting to a more long-term of imagining, nurturing and stewarding places creating multi-dimensional benefits for all (social, environmental and economic). The company has been carbon-neutral since 2016 and integrates its culture of sustainability, and now of regenerative design, across all its projects and solutions as accelerators contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


  • 10:00 -12:30



    欧盟国际城市和区域合作(IURC)项目已进入实现中欧深入合作的关键之年。该项目旨在为包括中国在内的全球伙伴城市实现可持续更新发展(sustainable regeneration)铺平道路。可持续更新发展不仅致力于避免过度开发地球资源,还进一步修复并减轻破坏造成的后果,以积极改善和恢复地球环境,包括捕捉二氧化碳,恢复生物多样性,实施废物循环和水资源再利用等措施。可持续更新规划设计的三个要素是:

    • 环境修复
    • 社会正义
    • 金融转型









  • 09:00 -18:00

    Cities Forum 2023: 16-17 March in Torino, Italy


    Please find the takeaways from this event here.


    The 5th edition of Cities Forum will be held in Torino, Italy from 16 to 17 March 2023. The event brings together key urban stakeholders at European, national, regional and local levels who are committed to a green and just future of cities.

    IURC will have a parallel session on the 17 March from 16.00-17:30 ‘Coming out of the European Box: international cooperation to inspire Sustainable Urban Transformation’ – don’t miss it!

    The Cities Forum is a biennial event of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy. For this edition, our host is Torino, a city with a vast history in urban transformation due to its transition from factory town to a city of knowledge, culture and innovation.

    The Cities Forum 2023 will offer high-level debates, participatory sessions and interactive workshops on cohesion and recovery in cities. It will provide participants with a unique opportunity to network and discuss the recent developments of various EU initiatives and policies as well as to explore our host city through several site visits. Make sure to review the programme section for a detailed description of each session.

    Together for green and just cities

    Even though implementing EU Cohesion Policy for the 2021-2027 period is still in the early stages, Europe’s cities find themselves in unprecedented times. New challenges arise along with the green and digital transition. Several crises from the pandemic to the war in Ukraine and food and energy insecurity are changing the way citizens live.

    In these demanding times, support, dialogue, and cooperation are more important than ever to continue our sustainable urban development efforts so no place is left behind.

    Cities Forum 2023 is the place and moment to discuss the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy for 2021-2027, namely how our main investment policy can help cities advance by financing sustainable urban development. A key moment of the event will be the presentation of new EU level initiatives created to support cities. The 5th edition of the Cities Forum will host the official launch of the European Urban Initiative (EUI) and its first EU level capacity building event.

    The forum will put a spotlight on the recent developments under the key policies and initiatives which engage cities such: as the Urban Agenda for the EU, the EU Mission for 100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities and explore how the New European Bauhaus can be used to make a difference in local development. As place-based approaches are at the core of Cohesion Policy, we aim to underline the role of small- and medium-sized cities and functional territories in developing tailor-made solutions for local challenges.

    Following the theme of this year’s edition, the event will focus on the role of cities in implementing the European Green Deal and the importance of strategic approaches to address the needs for climate adaptation and environmental protection.

    The 5th edition of the Cities Forum will provide an opportunity to strengthen the core EU objective of social inclusion by bringing forward measures for welcoming people with a migrant background and for their inclusion at a local level, including but not limited to the consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In our efforts to achieve the objective of leaving no one behind, the exchange on effective practices for the socio-economic inclusion of marginalised groups at the local level and preventing and combatting segregation will continue during the forum.

    Join in Torino on 16-17 March 2023 to discover what’s next in sustainable urban development.

    Read the event takeaways here.


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