Tag: SmartSpecialisationStrategies

Chinese Delegation Visited Brussels and Ljubljana Region

From Oct. 22 to 29, A high-level delegation from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and cities of Zhengzhou, Hangzhou, Liuzhou, Chongqing, Taicang and Guangzhou, visited Brussels and Ljubljana Region, to participate in the IURC Final Event and for knowledge exchange in cultural and creative ecosystem and regional innovation with Ljubljana Urban Region. The delegation's visit was tightly packed...

Watch IURC’s LA Webinar #16 “Smart Specialization Strategies and Sustainability”

The IURC Latin America programme held its webinar n.16 "Smart Specialization Strategies and Sustainability", on June 27th, 2023. The event focused on the sustainability dimension of these strategies and their application in industrial and local contexts, including their relevance to industrial policies and innovation hubs. The discussions aimed to inspire the mobilization of research and innovation to address the Sustainable...

Webinar 16 “Smart Specialisation Strategies and Sustainability: a framework for reflection”

We are very pleased to invite you to join us for the webinar "Smart Specialisation Strategies and Sustainability: ​ a framework for reflection”. The event is organized by the International Urban and Regional Cooperation Latin America (IURC-LAC) Programme on Tuesday, June 27th at 09:00 CDT/ 17:00 CEST. The webinar will have a duration of 75 minutes and offer simultaneous interpretation in...