Tag: Piura

A delegation from Piura, Peru carried out its study visit in Extremadura, Spain

As part of the cooperation activities between Extremadura (Spain) and Piura (Peru), a delegation of 5 officials from Piura Regional Government, University of Piura (UDEP) and the Center for Studies for the Prevention and Correction of Abdominal Diseases (CEPCEA) carried out their study visit in Extremadura from September 29th through October 4th, 2022. During this 4-day study visit, the Foundation...

Delegations from Almería and Extremadura, Spain, carry out study visits in Piura, Peru

Two Spanish delegations made up of three senior officials from the city of Almería and four directors of FUNDECYT-PCTEX from the region of Extremadura carried out their study visits to the city and region of Piura, within the framework of the International Program for Urban Cooperation and Regional in Latin America (IURC-LA), financed by the European Union. The Almería delegation...