Tag: Chinatown

Synergies and Partnership for Sustainable Development: EU-China Urban and Regional Cooperation

IURC- China facilitated both EU and Chinese cities and regions for their commitment to sustainable goals like Agenda 2030 (SDGs) and the New Urban Agenda. It enhanced cities and regions´ diplomatic and cooperative efforts in a decentralised approach, focusing on ecological transition, urban regeneration, and developing sustainable ecosystems. Distinctive policies aligning with global agendas IURC-China recognised the different approaches in...

Bangkok and Milan implement pilot action on food policy and plan exchange visit

On 27 April, Bangkok and Milan held a meeting to provide updates on Bangkok’s District Food Management Sandbox initiative and discuss the programme of an exchange visit in which Bangkok will take part in Milan. The participants on the Bangkok side included the food policy working group, set up for cooperation with Milan within the IURC framework and led by...