Results for "water"

We found 103 results for your search.

Master Class Series Renovation Wave

Our webinar series, Renovation Wave, brings together a cohort of IURC cities and metropolitan areas in a peer-to-peer learning environment to discuss and share challenges and best practices related to the main topic as they build long-term learning, networking, and working relationship amongst the participants. These webinars build upon topics of interest emerging from the cooperation among cities and questions that...

Debrecen (Hungary) carried out its study visit to Hermosillo (Mexico) on February 15-17

A delegation of three senior officials from the Hungarian city of Debrecen carried out a three-day study visit in the city of Hermosillo, Mexico, between February 15-17, 2023, in the framework of the International Programme for Urban and Regional Cooperation - IURC Latin America, financed by the European Commission. In the last year, both cities have shared lessons learned on...

Study Visit of Two Croatian Cities, Zagreb and Rijeka, to Kawasaki City, Japan

The study tour of Zagreb and Rijeka, Croatia began on January 30, 2023 with the delegation visiting Kawasaki City, Japan. The delegation visited the sites related to climate mitigation, waste management and green infrastructure, including urban parks. Kawasaki City has a population of 1.5 million, but 100 years ago it was a small town with a population of less than...

Master Class Series Cities Supporting Cities: Towards Circular Economy Concepts, Frameworks, and Actions

Our webinar series, Cities Supporting Cities: Towards Circular Economy Concepts, Frameworks, and Actions led by IURC NA in partnership with Fort Collins, USA, intends to guide participants on how to start or advance circular economy in their cities. In each session, Fort Collins shares its story and learnings, as they move through the process to establish its own plan for implementation. The series...

Osaka Delegation visit to Greater Manchester (15-19 January 2023)

Within the EU-funded IURC Asia and Australasia programme, a delegation from Osaka City is currently visiting Greater Manchester as a follow-up of a study visit undertaken by Manchester authorities from 2-8 October 2022. The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is the only UK local authority participating in the IURC project (GMCA had participated in the IUC Project). The pair Osaka-Manchester...

MUFPP Food Policy Training Workshop for Seberang Perai, Malaysia and Technical Visits (18-20 December 2022)

Day 1:The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Secretariat Expert Mr. Filippo Gavazzeni was accompanied by the Seberang Perai City Council delegation led by Mr. Mohd Nor Chairman of Fishermen Unit and Mr. Tan Choo Eng, Chairman of Biodiversity Unit of the Seberang Perai City Council to the Tembus River which covers an area of 128 hectares and surrounded by 620...

Read the fascinating blog of Ostrobothnia’s experience in learning about renewable energy in their just finalized visit to Magallanes

"Living at the edge of the world is truly concretized once you get the chance to travel to the other side. This experience was made tangible during the first week of November 2022, when I had the chance to travel to the city of Punta Arenas in Magallanes, the region closest connected to the Antarctic parts of Chile." "I was...

IURC-China Team Visits Bari, Italy

IURC-China team made a fruitful study visit to the city of Bari on 28-29 November 2022. The technical visits aimed at meeting the key mayor´s administration and technical staff, understanding the social and economic context related to the shared best practices and identifying the key priorities regarding IURC China cooperation in the areas of: Urban regeneration Tourism and culture Jobs,...

Busan and Rotterdam consolidate concrete partnership with a second study visit

Supported by the European Union's IURC programme, Busan and Rotterdam conducted the second study visit in Rotterdam between 5-9 December 2022. The visit focused on the areas identified during the study visit undertaken by Rotterdam delegates to Busan in July 2022. Delegates from both cities were able to fill their activity plan with concrete steps to be undertaken in the...

Cooperation hits new levels at IURC Annual Event

"This programme brings together cities, regions and people from around the world, ensuring that no one is left behind,” declared Normunds Popens Deputy Director General of the European Commission's Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO). He was addressing a room filled with representatives from the IURC cities and regions of Europe, Asia, Australasia, North and Latin America...