Tourism is one of the major economic sectors in many cities and regions in the EU and China, with high potential for employment generation. It is one of the major sources of public revenue and for local communities, including local residents and SMEs. However, tourism, converging with the culture sector, has been hard-hit by the pandemic.
At the EU and national level, action plans have been launched to overcome the challenges for the green and digital transition, to increase resilience, and to lift global competitiveness. For example, the European Union´s green and digital “Transition Pathway for Tourism”, and China’s innovation-driven 14th Five-Year Tourism Development Plan (2021-2025). On the other hand, cities and regions endeavoured to develop strategies complemented with local development plans in various aspects, including data-based tourism services (e.g. Tools to manage sustainable transport, or exceptional occasions), sustainable local production & consumption, energy and resource-efficient tourism infrastructures, and innovative “cultural industry”.
The webinar is organised as a part of the IURC China thematic cluster working session, aiming to share how cities and regions achieve green and digital transformation and resilience of the tourism & culture sector and discuss how EU-China cooperation can help them to reach the goals.
Through deep multilateral discussion, this thematic webinar seeks to showcase challenges and solutions of sustainable tourism in enhancing economic development, social inclusion and innovation in IURC pilot cities & regions and offer them a framework to:
(1) Share perspectives, policy initiatives, and best practices in sustainable tourism.
(2) Identify potential common projects and relevant stakeholders to address green and digital transition and resilience in the tourism sector.
This webinar will take place among
(1) stakeholders from IURC China pilot cities and regions in the thematic group of Tourism and Culture;
(2) invited participants from IURC global community.
Read the highlights from the event