Event Calendar Plugin Test (PHP 7.4.30)

< 2021 >
  • 09:00 -10:30

    Tuesday, 14 December 2021

    9:00 – 10:30 CET | 16:00 – 17:30 MYT | 19:00 – 20:30 Melbourne


    Why cities are crucial to a circular economy?

    Cities have a high concentration of resources, capital, data, and talent spread over a relatively small geographic area and are centres for innovation hubs. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, by 2050 two thirds of us will live in cities, consuming 75% of the world’s natural resources, producing 50% of global waste and over 60% of greenhouse gas emissions.


    Cities also represent a significant concentration of populations and human productive activity as well as the negative side-effects generated such as pollution and waste.  Making this locus of habitation and productive activity more sustainable and circular would have an impact first and foremost on the quality of life of its citizens, especially the most vulnerable among them. But it could have a broader impact on the planet as a whole.


    Today’s thematic webinar will focus on a key locus of circular change: cities. Whilst some national governments are still lagging on sustainable development action, cities have taken the initiative and implemented a range of circular measures, seeking to become fit for the 21st centuryIURC cities and city leaders will examine how we can take full advantage of the wealth of opportunities in cities to create a system that can work long-term for the economy, society, and the environment. The key experts from Australia, Finland, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand from the IURC Asia & Australasia network will also share how we can use our current resources to re-design cities from within as vibrant systems that operate and provide better public services more efficiently, improve how buildings are used, re-imagine smart food cities  and protect the well-being of citizens.


    Addressing critical barriers and enablers of circular economy strategies in cities unlocks the potential of circular economy in cities and requires coordination across people, policies and places.  Critical barriers stem from having to change mindsets and habits towards different production and consumption pathways, and new business and governance models (people). It requires a holistic and systemic approach that cuts across sectoral policies, and a functional approach that goes beyond the administrative boundaries of cities and closes, narrows and slows loops at the right scale (places) (OECD, 2021). Today, city leaders and experts will share recommendations on how Circular City Hubs can play an innovative role in this transition and how IURC Asia & Australasia cities can work with Europe and other regions to make this happen on the ground.



    1. Dato’ Sr Hj Rozali Bin Hj Mohamud, First Mayor of Seberang Perai City Council (MBSP) – Malaysia
    2. Professor Usha Iyer-Raniga, School of Property and Construction Management, RMIT University – Australia
    3. Dr. Wijarn Simachaya, President of the Thai Environment Institute (TEI) – Thailand
    4. Ganjar Setya Pribadi, Communication and Information Technology Division of Bandung City Government – Indonesia
    5. Niina Ruuska, Climate and Environmental Policy Unit, City of Turku, Finland


    Full programme: CE Thematic Webinar 14 December_Final 


    Read the highlights, watch the video and download the presentations here.



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