Category: News from NA

Cities Learning from Cities:
The Success of IURC North America’s Second Phase

In 2021, the second phase of the IURC North America (IURC NA) program was launched, marking a significant milestone in the collaborative effort towards sustainable urban development. The IURC NA network, comprising over 50 cities from the European Union, the United States, and Canada, was strategically divided into four thematic networks: Waste Management and Circular Economy, Sustainable Urban Mobility and...

Cities from IURC NA and LA Present in Brussels Results from their Cooperation

On October 23rd, a cohort of 28 cities and regions gathered in Brussels, Belgium, to present the activities undertaken during their participation in IURC, lessons learned, and plans for the future of their cooperation. This event allowed representatives to share their experiences and make new connections. The afternoon started with a welcome message from Ronnie Hall, Senior Adviser for DG REGIO. He...

Transforming Urban Public Space: Addressing Climate Change, Accessibility, and Social Inclusion

Among the more problematic effects climate change imposes on urban planners are the challenges of creating and re-purposing public spaces that mitigate urban heat islands and alleviate threats from intense rain events and flooding while positively impacting communities. On October 18th, 2023, Boston, Barcelona Metropolitan Area, and Northern Virginia Regional Commission presented three different projects: Download Presentations – The Moakley Park Vision...

IURC NA- Mannheim Green Urban Transformation

18 - 20 September 2023 On the 18th-20th of September, a cohort of 14 IURC cities gathered in Mannheim, Germany, to create professional connections and networks while facilitating knowledge for a green, sustainable urban transformation on topics such as: Challenges and Opportunities of the Green Deal Integrated Sustainable Urban Redevelopment Nature-based solutions Brownfield remediation Energy efficient communities The event was co-hosted with...

IURC NA- Baltimore Urban Regeneration & Economic Development for Social Inclusion Event

10 - 12 May 2023 On 10th-12th May, a cohort of 21 IURC cities gathered in Baltimore, USA, to create professional connections and networks while facilitating knowledge sharing on Urban Regeneration and Economic Development for Social Inclusion topics such as key urban regeneration and economic development challenges, economic inclusion & community impact, public-private partnerships, sustainable waterfront development, adaptive reuse & neighborhood regeneration,...

Master Class Series Nature-Based Solutions

Our webinar series, Nature Based Solutions, brings together a cohort of IURC cities and metropolitan areas in a peer-to-peer learning environment to discuss and share challenges and best practices related to the main topic as they build long-term learning, networking, and working relationship amongst the participants. These webinars build upon topics of interest emerging from the cooperation among cities and questions...

Master Class Series Renovation Wave

Our webinar series, Renovation Wave, brings together a cohort of IURC cities and metropolitan areas in a peer-to-peer learning environment to discuss and share challenges and best practices related to the main topic as they build long-term learning, networking, and working relationship amongst the participants. These webinars build upon topics of interest emerging from the cooperation among cities and questions that...

Master Class Series Sustainable Urban Mobility and Transport

Our webinar series, Sustainable Urban Mobility and Transport, brings together a cohort of IURC cities and metropolitan areas in a peer-to-peer learning environment to discuss and share challenges and best practices related to the main topic as they build long-term learning, networking, and working relationship amongst the participants. These webinars build upon topics of interest emerging from the cooperation among cities,...

Master Class Series Cities Supporting Cities: Towards Circular Economy Concepts, Frameworks, and Actions

Our webinar series, Cities Supporting Cities: Towards Circular Economy Concepts, Frameworks, and Actions led by IURC NA in partnership with Fort Collins, USA, intends to guide participants on how to start or advance circular economy in their cities. In each session, Fort Collins shares its story and learnings, as they move through the process to establish its own plan for implementation. The series...

IURC-NA Study Visits Fall 2022

The IURC NA program organized the return learning exchange study visits to Zaragoza, Mannheim, Braga, Madrid, and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona during the fall of 2022. The agendas focused on sharing common challenges and solutions on a selection of Joint Areas of Cooperation, ranging from Urban Planning to Renovation Wave and Sustainable Urban Mobility & Transport, amongst others. Below are the...