Category: News from Asia & Australasia

Sejong and Rotterdam exchange knowledge on smart mobility

On 7 February 2022, Sejong and Rotterdam met again to discuss further knowledge and continue their discussion from the previous meeting on 15 December 2021. This meeting was focused on C-ITS, Intelligent Traffic Lights, and autonomous vehicles, with relevant cases from both cities. Rotterdam kicked off the meeting by expanding on their intelligent traffic lights system, which had been a...

EU and Australian cities discuss green urban planning

In order to identify a potential topic for cooperation within the IURC programme, the cities of Barcelona, Florence, Hamburg, Brisbane, Canberra and Melbourne held a thematic meeting on 2 February 2022 to discuss their green urban planning strategies and projects. This marked the first of a series of theme-based discussions. The next one will be on innovation precincts. Hamburg’s presentation...

Four cities kick-off their collaboration for hydrogen and open innovation under IURC

On 1 February 2022, the cities of Koriyama (Japan), Toyota (Japan), Essen (Germany) and Grenoble-Alpes Metropole (France) officially kicked off their collaboration to develop a hydrogen society and promote open innovation. Hydrogen is an essential vector for freeing our societies from fossil fuels and effectively initiating the energy transition. Dialogue and actions that transcend national boundaries are required to remove...

Making cities walkable with Seoul and Dublin

On 27 January 2022, Seoul and Dublin followed up their meeting from two weeks prior with another meeting. In the previous meeting, Dublin presented on their walking and cycling plan, and during this meeting, Seoul presented on their plans for a walkable city. It is planned that cycling will be discussed in more detail in an upcoming meeting. The featured...

Busan and Rotterdam discuss joint actions on mobility and logistics

Busan and Rotterdam reunited again in the new year for the first time since the bilateral meetings in October. Both cities presented on their current implementation of mobility solutions and shared ideas about the discussion topics for future meetings and study visits. Busan shared about the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system and its implementation. The BRT system, also known as...

Ranchi and Reggio Emilia discuss mobility solutions during 1st meeting

On 20 January 2022, city officials from Ranchi Municipal Corporation in Jharkhand, India, and Reggio Emilia, Italy, met online for the first time to introduce their cities and discuss the topic of cooperation. Mr. Rajesh Kumar, City Data Officer of Ranchi, helped paint a picture of Ranchi’s mobility scenario. After the formation of a new state, Jharkhand in 2000, Ranchi...

EU and Vietnamese cities discuss flood control and mitigation of urban heat island effect

On 19 January 2022, city officials from Da Lat and Ha Tinh in Vietnam met with those from Stuttgart in Germany and Colleferro and Latina in Italy to share their best practices in flood management as well as nature-based solutions to combatting the urban heat island effect. The Stuttgart Regional Association supports its municipalities by developing mandatory regulations, providing reliable...

Exchanging thoughts on micro-mobility, walking, and cycling with EU and Korean cities

As part of the IURC programme, Sejong, Sofia, Seoul, and Dublin started the New Year with two bilateral meetings. Sofia and Sejong leapt into 2022 with a bilateral meeting on 12 January 2022. Reflecting the previous meeting, the two cities are now narrowing down their interests and sharing in-depth knowledge on the topic of micro-mobility. Seoul and Dublin followed them...

1st bilateral meeting between Semarang and Sofia

Representatives from Semarang City of Indonesia and Sofia City of Bulgaria met online on 13 January 2022 to discuss possible cooperation with a focus on urban mobility. The representatives had an exchange on various projects, looking at the current challenges of both cities and sharing their solutions, some of which also involve the private sector. Elitsa Panayotova, Coordinator of SOfiaGREEN...