Author: indy

IURC Asia and Australasia team participates at Landing Event

The IURC Asia and Australasia team participated in the "Landing Event" organised by the IURC Central Services. The event featured a video developed by the IURC regional team inviting EU cities to apply for cooperation with counterparts in one of the nine Asian and Australasian countries. As the second phase of the International Urban Cooperation programme (IUC) (2016-2020), IURC will lead...

EU Delegation to Indonesia participates at Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Asia Meeting

The Delegation of the European Union (EUD) to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam participated in the webinar "How Asia-Pacific cities active on food policy can benefit from the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact". Ms. Henriette Faergemann (Councillor at the Environment and Climate Action Section of the EUD) mentioned that urban food policy can make an important contribution to reduce CO2 emissions...

EU participates at the World Sustainable Development Summit

The Deputy Head of EU's Foreign Policy Instruments in Asia - Michel Mouchiroud - and Councilor Kamilla Kristensen from the EU Delegation to India participated at the World Sustainable Development Summit. The event was hosted by TERI - The Energy and Resources Institute from India. The 2021 virtual edition marked 20 years of the Summit platform and included the virtual...