Revitalizing Underutilized Areas for Social, Environmental, and Economic Transformation


    2025-02-19 16:00 - 17:00

    2025-02-19 10:00 - 11:00


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Transforming underused or abandoned urban spaces is a universal challenge, regardless of a city’s size or scale. These areas often signify untapped opportunities for socio-economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social integration. Left unaddressed, they can become stark symbols of inequity and fragmentation within communities.

Join us for our second webinar from the IURC NA Urban Planning network, where we will review successful examples of revitalized decommissioned industrial sites, abandoned military facilities, and vacant public buildings in Madrid, Dublin, Toronto, Rome, and Pavlos Melas. Revitalizing these spaces unlocks their potential for new cultural, social, and economic purposes, encouraging innovative partnerships between public authorities, local communities, and private stakeholders.