Year: 2021

Webinar 12. From Grey to Green: Torino’s Rebirth through Urban Regeneration & Social Innovation

We are very pleased to invite you to join us for the “From Grey to Green: Torino’s Rebirth through Urban Regeneration & Social Innovation” webinar. The event is organized by the International Urban and Regional Cooperation Latin America (IURC-LAC) Programme on Wednesday, February 22nd  at 09:00 CDT/16:00 CEST. The webinar will have a duration of 75 minutes and offer simultaneous...

Back to normal: Christchurch and Vitoria-Gasteiz experts meet online to define smart city cooperation

As a follow-up to the bilateral study visits conducted in Europe and New Zealand in November and December 2022 respectively, experts from Vitoria-Gasteiz and Christchurch city councils discussed online the next steps for the collaboration in the smart city area. The action identified is the adaption of Christchurch's smart city interface "SmartView" to Vitoria-Gasteiz's open data portal. The portal was...

Watch IURC LA’s webinar #11 on “Costal Cities & Blue Economy: Local experiences from Piraeus, Barranquilla and Genoa”

[embed][/embed] On January 25th , IURC Latin America held its eleventh webinar on "Costal Cities & Blue Economy". The event brought together international experts from Greece, Colombia, and Italy to discuss about the role of Coastal Cities and Blue Economy as a platform to generate social benefits, economic development, and environmental sustainability. The webinar began with the participation of Olivia...

Lazio-Zhengzhou Regional Innovation Cooperation: IURC China Team Visited Lazio Region

On 21st -22nd December 2022, the IURC China team conducted a study visit to the Lazio Region. The visit began with a hybrid meeting attended by the delegates from Zhengzhou city and the Lazio region. Both sides agreed on the scope and intended actions framed in the MoU, which will be signed on 31st January 2023. Both Zhengzhou and the...

Master Class Series Cities Supporting Cities: Towards Circular Economy Concepts, Frameworks, and Actions

Our webinar series, Cities Supporting Cities: Towards Circular Economy Concepts, Frameworks, and Actions led by IURC NA in partnership with Fort Collins, USA, intends to guide participants on how to start or advance circular economy in their cities. In each session, Fort Collins shares its story and learnings, as they move through the process to establish its own plan for implementation. The series...

IURC-NA Study Visits Fall 2022

The IURC NA program organized the return learning exchange study visits to Zaragoza, Mannheim, Braga, Madrid, and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona during the fall of 2022. The agendas focused on sharing common challenges and solutions on a selection of Joint Areas of Cooperation, ranging from Urban Planning to Renovation Wave and Sustainable Urban Mobility & Transport, amongst others. Below are the...

Register Now: Cities Forum 2023 in Turin

The 5th edition of Cities Forum will be held in Turin, Italy from 16 to 17 March 2023. The event brings together key urban stakeholders at European, national, regional and local levels who are committed to a green and just future for cities. IURC will have a parallel session on the 17 March from 16.00-17:30 under the title Coming out...

Osaka Delegation visit to Greater Manchester (15-19 January 2023)

Within the EU-funded IURC Asia and Australasia programme, a delegation from Osaka City is currently visiting Greater Manchester as a follow-up of a study visit undertaken by Manchester authorities from 2-8 October 2022. The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is the only UK local authority participating in the IURC project (GMCA had participated in the IUC Project). The pair Osaka-Manchester...

Webinar 11. Costal Cities & Blue Economy: Local experiences from Piraeus, Barranquilla and Genoa

We are very pleased to invite you to join us for the “Costal Cities & Blue Economy: Local experiences from Piraeus, Barranquilla and Genoa” webinar. The event is organized by the International Urban and Regional Cooperation Latin America (IURC-LAC) Programme on Wednesday, January 25th at 09:00 CDT/16:00 CEST. The webinar will have a duration of 60 minutes and offer simultaneous...