The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) as a part of the C40 Cities Network in collaboration with the Government of Maharashtra, WRI, Climate Voices and Waatavaran is developing the City’s first climate action plan – the Mumbai Climate Action Plan (MCAP). To achieve this, a series of stakeholder consultations are being conducted to seek feedback and recommendations from organisations and sector experts.
On 3 September, IURC Asia & Australasia participated at the Stakeholder Consultation on Sustainable Mobility, where Ms Prachi Merchant, a Senior Non-Key Expert in India, spoke about the linkages between MCAPs mitigation and adaptive strategies and the short- and long-term goals of the proposed Mumbai Parking Authority. The short-term goals are managing and regulating parking and bringing in IT interface while the long-term goals are curbing the use of private vehicles with a stress on public transportation. The method to implement the Parking Management Plan is through decentralisation, local partnerships and a participatory method of planning.